The YKK Group pursues environmental management and strives to contribute to a sustainable society through our core businesses.
Environmental Pledge
Environmental management is our responsibility as we conduct business on this earth. The YKK Group adopted the Group Environmental Pledge in 1994 and undertakes environmental measures in all business areas.
It is recognized today as being a most important duty for all humankind that we preserve the abundantly endowed global environment and that we transfer it to the next generation in a sound condition.
triving to be an Earth-friendly company, the YKK Group proclaims that it will address and promote "harmony with the environment" as the highest priority of its business activities.
September 1994
YKK Group Environmental Vision 2050
In April 2019, the YKK Group established its Environmental Vision 2050 in response to the great need for environmental actions on a global scale. The Vision defines the long-term direction for environmental initiatives that the entire Group must take in order to realize a higher level of environmental management.
YKK Group Fifth Mid-Term Environmental Management Principle
The YKK Group draws up Mid-Term Environmental Management Principles every four years in accordance with our Mid-Term Management Policy. Under the Fifth Mid-Term Environmental Management Plan (FY2017FY2020), the entire Group is working together on action plans for achieving our environment policy and goals. Our activities are focused on actively contributing to society and minimizing our environmental impact (aiming for zero impact).
Information on environmental action plans and results can be found under Environment Management in the data volume.
Environmental Policy Promotion Structure
An environmental policy board committee has been formed from management strategy committee which takes decisions on environmental policy/principles and monitors the state of environmental policy promotion within the YKK Group. In order to carry out the environmental principles, the YKK Group has also established an environmental management system (EMS) according to the international standard ISO 14001 for each business and promotes continuous environmental activities.
YKK Group Environmental Management Audits
The YKK Group reinforces its global environmental management structure through Group environmental management audits and environmental management cross-audits conducted under the leadership of each region.
Group environmental management audits, conducted under the Environmental Policy Board Committee, verify reliable implementation of Group environmental management policy and principles and the status of operation of environmental management systems for maintaining and enhancing environmental compliance, and improvements are made.
In addition, for the environmental management cross-audits conducted under the leadership of each region, the heads of each region spearhead efforts to examine environmental activities and the legality of actions taken by each site within the region based on cultural differences and unique environmental laws and regulations in place. Through these efforts, environmental risks are mitigated and environmental compliance is maintained and improved.