The YKK Group pursues environmental management and strives to contribute to a sustainable society through our core businesses.
Action plans and their results for environmental policy can be found in the data volume.
Expanding the lineup and increasing sales of environmentally conscious products as well as products that contribute to safety, security, and health
To contribute as a manufacturer to the development of a sustainable society, we develop and sell products that give consideration to the global environment and products that contribute to safe, secure, and healthy lifestyles.
Promoting Environmental Contribution Measures
As a member of society, the YKK Group actively participates in local communities to contribute to solving environment problems. We place particular emphasis on environmental education for children, who will be the leaders of future generations.
Preserving Ecosystems
The YKK Group continuously investigates the impacts of its business activities on ecosystems and strives to reduce those impacts. We take measures to preserve biodiversity, giving consideration to regional ecosystems.
Vegetation Management Based on IPM
Pesticides used to control vegetation are believed to have major impacts on the surrounding ecosystem. Given this, we have established the YKK Group Pest Management Guidelines as a way of controlling vegetation at our locations based on integrated pest management (IPM) in order to mitigate the effects that our locations have on the surrounding environment. We will continue to promote this greening control technique based on IPM at Japanese and overseas sites going forward.
Initiatives for WET Testing
Water discharged from our main locations in Japan is in full compliance with the water quality standards set forth in the Water Pollution Control Law, by local government ordinances, and per agreements with local governments. However, we did not fully understand the impacts on the environment caused by chemicals not included in water quality standards or by the reaction of chemicals. As a result, we conducted WET (Whole Effluent Toxicity) testing and aquatic life surveys on the water we discharged into rivers and determined that none of the water discharged from our bases has an impact on ecosystems.
Furusato no Mori (Hometown Forest)
Kurobe Manufacturing Center, YKK Group's technology headquarters, has developed a Furusato no Mori (Hometown Forest) and Furusato no Mizube (Hometown Waterside) aimed at regenerating our vanishing nature. Growing seedlings with seeds native to the Kurobe River alluvial fan began in 2006, and from 2008, with help from locals, employees, and employees' families, about 20,000 of 20 different kinds of trees were planted. Today, 6 mammal species, 40 bird, 210 insect, 7 fish, and 24 species of benthic organisms, which include 16 rare and endangered species of wildlife, are confirmed to inhabit the area. In August 2016 at YKK Center Park, we were awarded SEGES (Growing Green Spaces Category) Excellent Stage 3 certification, the highest grade for first evaluations.
- *SEGES is the only green space evaluation system set up as part of the specified policy of the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of the Environment.
YKK Group Tree Planting Day
The YKK Group uses its global networks and holds YKK Group Tree Planting Day, when trees are planted in various regions around the world, on June 5 in conjunction with World Environment Day.
Proactive Disclosure of Environmental Information
The YKK Group sees the provision of environmental information to numerous stakeholders as opportunities for creating new partners and generating new value while receiving a variety of opinions. Accordingly, we proactively disclose environmental information.